Jumtarps, officially known as Jiaxing Juming Advance Cover Co., Ltd., is a leading global manufacturer specializing in pvc tarpaulin . With over two decades of experience, the company has become synonymous with high-quality, durable, and customizable tarp solutions across various industries such as construction, transportation, and agriculture. Located in Jiaxing, China, Jumtarps has invested heavily in technology, research, and innovation to meet the diverse needs of its clients worldwide. Overview of PVC Tarpaulin: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) tarpaulins are known for their strength, waterproofing, and durability. They are used extensively in outdoor environments due to their resistance to weather, UV rays, and tear. The PVC coating enhances the tarp’s flexibility and resistance to extreme temperatures, making it suitable for various heavy-duty applications. PVC tarpaulins are also easy to clean and maintain, providing long-term value. Jumtarps provides a broad ran...